Set up your space
Find a quiet place to yourself where you can move freely without knocking on to furniture
Set up the mat so that the whole mat can be seen by me. Use anything you can to get the right angle like propping the device up against anything - sofa, chair, cushion.
Keep the lights on in the room you are in so that I can see you well, especially for the evening class.
4. Setting up ZOOM
Download Zoom on your device
To log in to the class use the Personal Meeting ID and password which I will send you once you have booked a class with me.
Join the class 5 mins before the session so you can set up and iron out any technical issues before the start
Upon joining you will be prompted to 'join with audio' click on device/computer so that you can hear me
if you're using a computer/laptop, go to Gallery View, hover over my video and click the blue button with 3 dots, click 'Pin Video' so that I am the only video that you see (if you're using a phone or tablet there is no need to do this).
You will be muted by me when you join and then I will unmute when were ready to start so that we can all say hi to one another and ask any questions. I will then mute you again when the class starts to avoid any background noise disruption
5. What to expect
We are live, things can occasionally go wrong and we will work together to be adaptable.
Sometimes pets, kids, partners come in - it happen - please don't worry. We are a community and we will keep it light-hearted and have a laugh!
You will feel like you need to watch me all the time initially but as the weeks go on you'll feel more confident with the descriptions and cues to find more freedom.
I will be a descriptive as possible using visualization cues and also ask you place hands on yourself for self-hands-on-tactile-cues for feedback.
Enjoy and feel energised, relaxed and more connected to each other as we share this experience.
6. End of the class
Ask questions - I welcome feedback
Book your next class!
Nicola X